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Saturday, October 16, 2010

The Power of FREE!

There is a word — one word — that successful marketers live and die with. If you know the word…and how to use it, you can make sale after sale and increase your profits.

In case you can't guess, the magic word is "FREE"

Intuitively, it is easy to see why free is the magic word. Everybody wants something for free. The trick is to use the power of free to your advantage and create sales to increase profits.

Businesses have been giving things away for free all the time. Some examples:
* free shipping. * free customer service * toll-free number * free articles ...

What you need to do is create some pay-back from giving things for free. You need to discover the best uses of free to generate profits. Aside from the above examples, here are some additional ways to use free as a tool to generate profits:

   - on business cards,
   - on all marketing/sales letters,
   - email subject lines, brochures, etc...

Free could represent a "side offer", such as a report that provides value on a particular topic, a program that helps a potential customer, etc. Use them as much as you can, all the time. Thats what the marketing gurus are doing! They are using "free"...freely, to provide value and develop relationships and build trust that help them sell products and generate profits. They keep records on what works…. and what doesn’t, then duplicate and prosper.
So there you have it. Go ahead, use "free" every single day to increase your profits...

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